Phase I of the Muscatine Adolescent Health Survey812 Muscatine Middle School Students Participated during the Fall of 2009 With support from the Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust, The Muscatine Heart Study returned to the middle schools of Muscatine to conduct a new survey during the Fall of 2009. Each student in Central and West Middle School was invited to participate. The survey was conducted before school in the Muscatine Heart Study examination trailer and included a fasting finger stick blood sample, and measurements of height, weight, waist & hip circumferences, body composition and blood pressures. The students also completed two questionnaires that asked about their health and their physical activity. Data from the survey are being used by Muscatine Heart Study investigators to compare coronary risk factor levels in the 2009 Muscatine middle school students to risk factor levels of Muscatine middle school students in the 1970s when the parents of many current middle school students participated in Muscatine Heart Study school surveys. More importantly, the survey is providing information to the teachers and administrators of the Muscatine Community Schools to allow the planning of ways to improve the health of the students, and to the parents and the students themselves to improve their awareness about the importance of knowing your coronary risk factor levels. Phase 2 of the Muscatine Adolescent Health Survey
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